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LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION: Should you post your company video on YouTube?


Where you post your company video matters.

Once the professional shooting, editing, and narration of your video is complete, it’s time to position the final version where it can maximize exposure to your prospects. Posting it on YouTube is a smart start, but if your goal is to drive new sales, then showcasing it on your company website is a must.

Posting video directly on your site keeps your potential customers from seeing competitor videos that are likely to appear in a YouTube search. Remember, you want the prospect to visit and remain on your site, not a competitor’s. Moreover, statistics demonstrate that inserting the video on the homepage of a website, above the fold, exponentially gets a visitor’s attention. Often companies place their videos on subsequent pages. However, this decreases the likelihood that a prospect will actually take the time to drill down that far.

For more information on producing a video for your company, give us a call. We’re happy to help.

Direct Media
Video Productions