ADD POWER TO YOUR NARRATION: Tips on selecting the right VOICE for your company video:
Listen to the narration in many company videos, and you’ll often hear uninspired phrases like “state-of-the-art” or “world-class.” These overused buzzwords are empty descriptors that fail to motivate prospects to click or call. Voice-over narration is a critical component of an effective company video. However, in today’s video-literate world, it’s essential to steer clear of clichés and jargon to craft a script that truly resonates with your audience.
A professional Video Producer can help you develop narration that avoids these tired phrases, ensuring your company video feels fresh, innovative, and engaging.
The type of voice you choose can significantly influence how prospects perceive your company video. At Direct Media, we have access to hundreds of professional narrators, each with their own unique sound, cadence, and inflection. Selecting the right narrator depends on your industry and target audience.
For example, a script for a construction company might require a more authoritative voice, while a hospital video may benefit from a softer, conversational tone. Additionally, depending on your audience, there are situations where the gender of the narrator can play an important role in enhancing the message’s impact.
Direct Media
Video Productions