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video production in emails sales

When comparing text and video, there is simply no competition. The chances of capturing your prospect’s attention are much greater when video is used, as opposed to plain text. That’s why you should use video to support the emails and messages you send out to customers, prospects, and employees.

Statistics comparing video vs. text:

      → Users spend 88% more time on a website that contains a video

      → Short videos (under 2 minutes) get the most engagement

      → Video generates 1200% more shares than images and text combined


Here are 5 reasons why video is the most effective delivery method to implement your marketing, sales, and customer service.

1-Video content is rich

Not only is video a more entertaining way to consume content, but it’s also easier to comprehend. Chances are a prospect will take away much more from a short video compared to reading two minutes of text. It’s fast and efficient, which is why businesses are using it to describe their products and services.


2-Video engages viewers and drives action

Words just aren’t as engaging as video – it’s that simple. Video has the power to evoke strong emotions through visual and auditory cues. Videos also encourage viewers to take action. Studies by Florida-based Sandstorm Analytics found that videos with calls-to-action (CTAs) produce 380% more clicks than alternative CTA options, like buttons or written text.

This raises the chances that a visitor to your company’s website will order specific products or reach out for more information.


3-Video is memorable

It’s no surprise that people prefer video over text; they learn better when they can both see and hear a message. A prospect or customer is likely to retain 95% of a video description of your product compared to just 30% when simply reading a text description.

Video conveys visual cues like body language, tone of voice, and eye contact, which are essential for evoking emotions and reactions. Emotions play a significant role in retaining information. If a video has a strong impact on an individual’s emotions, they are likely to retain even more information.


4-Video is attention-grabbing

Visuals attract viewers’ eyes much more effectively than text does. This same attention-grabbing factor also applies to your email inbox. Every day, people sift through dozens of emails, but how many of those emails include videos? If one did, it would likely stand out as a breath of fresh air in a crowded world of text. This extra attention leads to higher engagement.


5-Video is a long-term selling tool

Typically, inboxes are inundated with text emails. Sending a video email is like a breath of fresh air that helps your company stand out from the competition. Many of these product videos can be produced in a single day, with narration and supporting graphics customized as your business grows.

Having your products showcased in one- or two-minute videos provides a powerful sales tool for email correspondence. These videos can be released at various times of the year, creating a sense of growth and leadership in your industry.

In summary, video content delivers richer, more engaging, and memorable experiences than text. It grabs attention, drives action, and serves as an invaluable long-term tool for businesses looking to enhance their marketing, sales, and customer service efforts.

For more information on producing videos for your company, give us a call. We’re happy to help.

Direct Media
Video Productions