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Customer Testimonial Video

What makes a prospect choose your business? The placement of video testimonials on your website can lead to increased sales.
These five factors lead to a successful video testimonial:
1) Demonstrating Results

If a customer can enthusiastically recall how your product or service brought them a positive result, your next customer will gain confidence.  For example, if your turn-around time on a project helped them with a crucial deadline, that’s worth sharing in a testimonial. 

2) Identifying With the Prospect

People look for information and ideas they can identify with.  For example, a young mother-to-be considering maternity departments can relate to a video with a new mom’s story.  (Save those complimentary senior citizen interviews you did at the hospital for another project. They may be more effective in promoting quality services to the children of seniors who are researching geriatric care.)

3) Keeping It Brief

A video testimonial on your website has a purpose: to package your message.  This is where professional editing comes in. Keeping your video clip under 60 seconds increases the likelihood your web visitors will view the entire message.  Condensing the customer’s testimonial is essential to avoid losing impact or the viewer’s interest – your prospect is not a captive audience unless you hold them.

4) Utilizing Demographics

As you work with current customers, or review past ones, be on the alert for compelling stories that illustrate your value.  If you can, select varied customer types to ensure you have appeal throughout your target markets.  For instance, if your company provides staffing temps to a variety of industries, choose a manufacturing supervisor to praise your services from his factory floor.  This will contrast effectively with a second client describing how you helped her administrative office.

5) Approaching the Customer

The keys to approaching your customers to ask for a testimonial are comfort and convenience.  One customer will be flattered at the request of interviewing them at their place of business for the “free advertising” it offers; the next may prefer the excitement of shooting the segment at your location.  Provide them with both options right at the beginning, and include some topics you’d like them to discuss.  This removes any mystery or uncertainty, and they’ll be better prepared to give you want you want – a good testimonial.

For more video solutions that will attract YOUR new customers,
call or email us.

Direct Media
Video Productions